Tarheel Telegrapher March 2025
Volume 65 – Issue 3 March 1, 2025
From the Brass Hat
It is with great sadness that I report another loss for our museum. Most know by now that Board Member, Museum Chair and all-around friend of the NC Railway Museum and New Hope Valley Railway, Tim Carroll passed away February 12th after a long illness. A Last Run article about Tim is in this issue. Tim’s contributions and service to the community stretched far beyond Bonsal. On behalf of the NCRM Board of Directors, I express our condolences to the family of Tim Carroll. Many have asked about a service. We have met with Tim’s sister Tammy Horton who is coordinating on behalf of the family. There will be a Celebration of Life on Sunday, March 23rd at Noon. A memorial train ride will be conducted as part of the event. We will ask for volunteers to staff the train and all are welcome to attend. A crew call and additional details will be announced on the Museum email last serve as they are available. Tammy is also posting on Facebook. Note that in keeping with Tim’s last wishes, in lieu of sending flowers, it is requested that donations be made to the NCRM Goldston Depot Fund.
It’s already time to gear up for another ride season. The train cars have received some needed attention, specifically Car 201 and brake shoes were serviced. The Wednesday Crew has been busy with maintenance and cleanup as we get ready for the season. We should be ready to go for another year. In preparation for 2025, the first Safety training will take place this month on March 15th. A reminder that all train crew must receive at least one training per year and be current on their rules test. The first Operate-a-Loco sessions will take place on March 22nd and the first Wednesday train on March 27th. We actually had a real winter this year that postponed the board meeting and maintenance chores, but fortunately its looking warmer now. (although we know it’s NC)
That’s all for this article, I try to keep up with everything that is going on at NCRM, but am happy to take suggestion for items and dates to highlight in this article every month (hint, hint) hope to see everyone out at Bonsal.
All the Best,
John Morck
President, NCRM
Get to Know a Member
by Tom Hutchinson
How long have you been a member? Since April 1998
Where are you originally from? Smithfield, NC
What was your job in real life? Retired special education teacher 35 years
Where do you live now (City & State only)? Raleigh, NC
Family? Spouse is Roger Koss, 37 years. Children – Shannon (husband-Esleyther) and Frank Koss, twins, 31 years old. One granddaughter, Ana Elizabeth, 15 months old
How did you become interested in trains? I Started coming to the railroad with Roger when kids were preschoolers
What is your favorite activity at the New Hope Valley Railway? I enjoyed working in Hotdog Hut until it was closed. I then volunteered in the Gift Shop for a few years and now volunteer in the Ticket Office. [Linda also served several terms as Secretary of the NCRM as well as a member of the Board of Directors -ed]
Last Run – Tim Carroll
We are sad to announce the passing of longtime Life-Member Tim Carroll on 12 February 2025 after an extended illness. He was 61. In addition to being a friend to everyone who met him, Tim was a Docent, train crew member, Board of Directors member, historian of the East Carolina Chapter (and later NCRM Chapter), NRHS and a great Santa on many of our Christmas trains. With his tremendous knowledge of the history of our own line and it’s
predecessors, it was only fitting that he was the incumbent Curator of History of the NCRM. Tim was also a member of other historical organizations including the Fuquay-Varina History Museum, Norfolk Southern Historical Society and Red Springs & Northern Foundation and “The Bearded Villains” charitable organization. He was instrumental in the acquisition of numerous items, large and small, for the NCRM collection. Tim was a major driver in the recent restoration of the caboose on display in Fuquay-Varina, NC. Tim had a full 35+ year career with Amtrak, including onboard train service and senior ticket agent in Fayetteville, NC, retiring late last year. He is survived by his sister Tammy and her family, including our newest life member, his grand-nephew Porter Horton. Tim will be missed tremendously.
NOTE: A celebration of life memorial gathering with train ride in honor of Tim is currently scheduled for 23 March 2025, noon till 3, so be on the lookout for a Special Crew Call from Kevin in the near future. Additional information will be forthcoming with all the details.
Back in the “Old Days” – K Line NHV Train Sets
as told by M. Gray Lackey
History – K Line was an O scale electric train manufacturer located in Orange County, NC that made Lionel-compatible trains. NCRM members Robert Middour and Dave Chasco both worked there for a time. Back in 2002, Robert Middour called and asked if I could meet him at the office/ warehouse. The owner, Maury Klein, was doing a run of small sets and wanted to do one lettered New Hope Valley. Of course, I would go meet and work things out. While the NCRM didn’t make any monetary gain, our name would get out and there were internet links, phone number and history published as part of the catalog information.
The sets were to be a small Plymouth diesel locomotive, three hopper cars and a caboose. It’s true now and was true then too that we have never owned a Plymouth, but a new multi-thousand-dollar casting die was not going to be created just for us. So, the locomotive was to be green with yellow letters and since it didn’t exist, it was to be numbered 1 and not for any of the NHV diesels. Originally the cars were to be hopper cars, but I asked that they be changed to gondola cars since they looked the most like our excursion cars. Colors were to be like ours too, yellow with green lettering numbers 200, 201,202. This was before our 200 series cars so that was why those numbers were used. The caboose was a red bay window with the New Hope Valley name and speed lettering logo numbered 1001.
The set was first cataloged in 2003 and at least some went to New Hope Valley members (yes me!!). What makes the set so unique is that of all the small sets made, this set sold the most and was actually rerun at least once. Why would a little-known North Carolina museum railroad have sold so many sets, with most of the sets were being sold in the northeastern US? There is a railroad in Bucks County, PA (outside Philadelphia), whose name is the New Hope and Ivyland, and they have excursion rides as well as freight service. As we have experienced through our online ticket sales, people don’t pay attention to entire names and were buying the “New Hope” sets as souvenirs to run around a Christmas tree from their train ride, except it was the New Hope and Ivyland they had ridden on.
So, K-Line made more money than they had expected, our name got out more, and everybody wins, except maybe the people that thought they were getting a NH&I set, but they probably didn’t know or care as a train was going around under the tree.
Alas, K Line is no more and the dies have been used by several companies since. The New Hope Valley train sells for far more than in 2003, when you can find them. If you want one you might try looking around Philadelphia.
New Member Orientation
by Dennis Winchell
The next New Member Orientation session will be offered on Saturday, April 5, 2025 from 10 am to noon. It will be held under the covered area behind the Dispatch Office, and include a tour of the NCRM property along with some of our ongoing projects. The New Member Orientation session is intended to share information about our history, bylaws, policies, how to get information, who’s who, and most importantly how to get involved as a volunteer (and have fun). This session is open to those who have been members for up to 2 years. This is not a substitute for the Rules and Safety training sessions necessary to get involved with train operations, but we will explain how to attend those sessions, too. This will be the first of two orientation sessions offered in 2025. The next session will be scheduled for some time in the Fall. If you are interested in attending on April 5, please RSVP to Dennis Winchell or Velinda Chapman by Wednesday, April 2.
Special Board Election – Candidates Needed
by Kyle Obermiller
With the passing of our dear friend Tim Carroll, we now have a vacancy on the Board of Directors. One position is open for election to complete the term through Fall 2026. We are looking for qualified candidates to add to the ballot, with the opportunity to begin serving immediately. By joining the Board, you’ll have the chance to play a key role in decision-making, strategic planning, and advancing the NCRM for the better. Nominations will be accepted through March and a special election notice will be held after.
According to NCRM bylaws, any “voting member” at least 21 years of age and with a minimum of two years as a “voting member” is eligible to serve on the Board of Directors. If you’re interested in running, please send a brief 3-4 sentence write-up of your volunteer experience and send by clicking here.
Thank you for your ongoing support of NCRM.
From Anita Hussey –
In the next newsletter, would you please mention that if anyone would like to have a card sent on behalf of the museum to a volunteer that they know is ill or has had a loss in their family, to please contact me? I would be happy to do this for them.
Thank you.
Anita Hussey
Calling All Saturday Volunteers!
by Kyle Obermiller
Throughout 2025, every 5th Saturday will offer a volunteer opportunity for the NHV. Our first opportunity is coming up on March 29th! Let’s come together to clean up our railyard and kick off the upcoming season on a strong note. Our Wednesday crew does fantastic work each week, but for those who can’t make it during the weekdays, this is a great chance to get involved and make a difference at the Museum.
No RSVP is required, but if you have a specific project in mind that you’d like help with, please reach out to Kyle Obermiller and we’ll add it to the list.
Annual Membership Expires February 28
by Tom Hutchinson
If you have not renewed your annual membership for 2025, the grace period ends February 28. If you have not yet renewed, please mail your renewal check to NCRM Membership, PO Box 40, New Hill, NC 27562 … just remember to use the new 2025 dues levels and put a note on the “memo” line for the type of dues. You may also pay your dues the old-fashioned way in cash to either Robert Middour or Tom Hutchinson of the Membership Committee.
IF YOU ARE 60 YEARS of AGE OR OLDER…we have a new dues category this year, “Senior Member”. Dues for this category will remain at $20 annually. Regular adult dues are $30 per year. If you renew late, you will be re-registered as a new member.
Welcome to new members Joseph Niedermuller, Nicholas Howell (Youth Rail Crew) and Winsome Andrews, Jr. Please make them feel at home!
If you do not receive the operating crew calls, please contact the crew caller if you are interested in participating in train operations! We need all the help we can get to keep the trains running safely.
Help Wanted!
The NCRM needs a new Food Truck Coordinator. The job involves calling local food truck vendors to determine availability/willingness and scheduling to come out to our special events. Contact Jim Whitten for details.
Rules and Safety Training 15 March at 0900AM
by Chris Tilley
The next Rules and Safety Annual Training session will be conducted on 15 March 2025 at the NCRM Gazebo, located behind the Dispatcher’s Office. Bear in mind that each member of the Operating Crew (Car/Train/Head Brakemen, Conductors, Engineers, Signalmen, Dispatchers, Switch Tenders) are required to attend at least one session every 365 days in order to maintain Federal Railroad Administration mandated crew currency requirements. For newer members, this is your first step toward advancement in the crew qualifications. Training will consist of “classroom” discussions of the rulebook, timetable, policies, interaction with passengers and general railroad information followed by a “hands-on” portion covering brake systems, coupling the train, connecting air brake lines, etc. Come prepared to run a train! Lunch, boots, long pants, rulebooks, radios (if you own one), gloves, water, etc. Rules tests, required every two years, will be given during lunch or after the hands-on session. If you don’t remember when you took it last, email Kevin.
We will have several other sessions in spring, summer (at least one Wednesday) and just prior to the Halloween/Santa Trains. Those who fail to meet the training requirement can still serve as Car Hosts or other non-crew-related jobs.
Hop into Spring Setup on 2 April – Help Wanted – by Velinda Chapman
Spring is peaking around the corner and that means our first special ride event is coming up! All aboard for Hop into Spring! The rail yard will be buzzing with activity to get ready for this event and we need your help. The decorating of the rail yard and trackside displays will be on 2 April and then applying any finishing touches on 9 April. The event will happen on 12 and 13 April. We’ll plan to take everything down on 16 April. For any questions or to volunteer for a specific task, please contact Velinda Chapman.